There are 3 groups of woolly monkeys (Lagothrix ssp.) at Monkey World, totalling 18 individuals, that are run by the dominant males Levar, Chippy and Paulo. The woolly monkeys are part of the European Breeding Program (EEP) and many infants have been born here at the park, some have been confiscated from smugglers, while others have come from other wildlife parks.
Where you can see the Woolley Monkey
Monkey World – Ape Rescue Centre
Monkey World - Ape Rescue Centre, Longthorns, Wareham, UK
Monkey World – Ape Rescue Centre Monkey World, the internationally-acclaimed ape rescue centre, is home to over 250 rescued and endangered monkeys and apes. Opened in 1987 to provide abused Spanish beach chimpanzees with a permanent home, 30 years on the site is now a sanctuary for primates from all over the world including the … Read more
Monkey World – Ape Rescue Centre
Monkey World – Ape Rescue Centre Monkey World, the internationally-acclaimed ape rescue centre, is home to over 250 rescued and endangered monkeys and apes. Opened in 1987 to provide abused Spanish beach chimpanzees with a permanent home, 30 years on the site is now a sanctuary for primates from all over the world including the … Read more